FAQs about HTR 2024
Welcome to the HTR 2024 conference! This international event focuses on High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGR) technology and its heat applications. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you plan your attendance.
1. Basic information:
- Dates: October 14-18, 2024
- Location: Liting Huayuan Hotel (Park Plaza Beijing Science Park), Haidian District, Beijing, China.
- Map locations: Baidu Maps / Amap (Gaode maps) / Google Maps / Apple Maps. Data and locations on Baidu maps and Amap (Gaode maps) may be more precise, but maybe you need a translator to read.
- Registration:
- Online registration: till September 20, 2024
- On-site registration: October 14-18, 2024 (during the conference)
- prices: link, early bird prices only apply for online registration.
- Agenda: available at this post
- Detailed schedule: preparing, will be published in this post.
- Contact: lifu@vip.126.com, Dr. Lili ZHAO / Ms. Xueqi REN / Dr. Kaiwen LI
2. Invitation Letter:
Fill the form, and then we will send you the invitation letter as soon as possible.
3. Visa Information:
China offers visa-free or visa-exemption policies for citizens of certain countries. We've listed relevant information on our website:
- 72/144-hour visa-free policy for 54 countries (this post), required to go to a third country or region after the visit
- Visa exemption policy for 15 countries (this post)
- Other visa-free policies. (Please consult the China Embassy in your country)
Important Note:
- Visa requirements and border entry procedures are ultimately determined by Chinese government authorities, including the National Immigration Administration (NIA) and Customs. We have no influence over these decisions.
- Please refer to the website of China Embassy in your country for detailed policy and confirm whether you are qualified for those visa-free policies, or directly contact them by phone or email.
Recommendations for a Smooth Entry:
Regardless of your visa status (visa-free or with valid visa), we strongly recommend bringing the following documentation to ensure a smooth entry into China:
- Official Invitation Letter
- Hotel Reservations
- Return Flight Confirmation
- Additional documentation may be required to prove your purpose and duration of stay. We recommend checking with the China embassy in your country for the latest information.
4. Accommodation:
The conference hotel, Liting Huayuan Hotel (Park Plaza Beijing Science Park), offers discounted rates for attendees. You can book rooms by phone, email, or WeChat (details provided below and this post). Remember to mention "HTR 2024" during your reservation. Alternative booking options (without discounts) are also available at booking.com or other platforms.
- Phone: +86 13401044601
- Email: leoshi@parkplaza-bj.com
- WeChat: 13401044601 (search the phone number to find the WeChat account)
5. Transportation:
Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX) offer various transportation options, including the subway, taxi, ride-hailing services, and airport buses. Refer to our website post for detailed information. Airport staff and volunteers can also assist you upon arrival.
6. Food:
Apart from the reception, banquent and the lunches provided by us, and the breakfast included in the hotel room (maybe), you may try a lot of delicious Chinese food around the hotel and all over Beijing. Dazhongdianping (大众点评,like Yelp) is popular in China to find high-rated restaurants.
7. Technical Visit:
While a visit to HTR-PM at Weihai, Shandong Province, is unlikely due to location constraints (about 6 hours by train for a single trip), we have decided to arrange the visit of HTR-10 and other facilities. Stay tuned for updates!
8. Essential Apps in China:
- Payment: Alipay (Zhifubao,支付宝) and Wechat Pay (微信支付) are widely used. Apple Pay might be accepted in some stores, while Google Pay may not work in China.
- Maps: Baidu Maps (Baidu ditu, 百度地图) and Amap (Gaode ditu, 高德地图) are popular navigation apps.
- Ride Hailing: Didi (滴滴,China's equivalent to Uber) and the map apps mentioned above can be used for booking rides.
- Food: Meituan (美团), Eleme (饿了么) and Dazhongdianping (大众点评, China's equivalent to Yelp and more) may help you find restaurants, or order a delivery.
- High-speed Railway: 12306 is the official app for booking high-speed train tickets in China.
Additional Resources:
Remember to activate international data roaming on your phone before arriving in China, or purchase a local SIM card before or upon arrival.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to HTR 2024!